Training & Membership Fees
Mixed Martial Arts

Lesson 1 is a free trial lesson.

Lessons 2 - 4 are £7 per lesson for juniors, £10 for full time students and £12 for adults, this is payable at the start of each lesson.

Following lesson 4, please action the following:

1) Set up a monthly Standing Order through your bank to pay your training fees.

2) Pay your annual membership.* This is done through a Personal Membership Profile that you set up when joining the club.

* Annual membership includes membership to The United Kingdom Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Association (usual cost £15). 
This includes cover under the UKBJJA’s member-to-member liability insurance cover (this is not personal injury insurance).

Training Fee Payment Plans

1 lesson per week = £28 pcm
2 lessons per week = £38 pcm
Unlimited = £43 pcm

Full Time Students
1 lesson per week = £30 pcm
2 lessons per week = £40 pcm
Unlimited = £50 pcm

1 lesson per week = £44 pcm 
2 lessons per week = £55 pcm 
Unlimited MMA = £60 pcm
Unlimited MMA & BJJ = £70 pcm

Discount Packages
Junior 2 siblings – Unlimited = £60 pcm
Two parents + two junior children – Unlimited = £90 pcm

Training BJJ & MMA: 
If you want to train both BJJ and MMA, please select the ‘Unlimited MMA & BJJ’ payment plan.

Bank Details

Account No: 73691713
Sort Code: 20-39-64
Account Name: Mr K G Konieczny
Bank: Barclays

Annual Membership: (January 1st – December 31st).

Juniors £20 
Full-time Students £25 
Adults £30

Drop in Fees:

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